Monday March 17th, 2025
The meeting will start at 7:00 pm and will be held in the basement of the Upper Perkiomen Library. 350 Main Street, Red Hill PA 18076
Parking In the Rear of the Building, PLEASE Park at the Bamboo or down the street at the bank.
You Do Not Have to be a Member to Attend
You can also join via ZOOM for the Business Meeting.
Dave Hoglund has been is currently a board member of TU Perkiomen for several years. Dave will be presenting how he got involved, his experience, and the overall take away of the event.
Reel Recovery is a national non-profit organization that conducts fly-fishing retreats for men recovering from cancer. Our mission is to help men in the recovery process by sharing with them the healing powers of the sport of fly fishing, while providing a safe, supportive environment to explore their personal experiences with cancer, with others while they share their stories. Retreats are offered at no cost to the participants and led by professional facilitators and expert fly-fishing instructors. Reel Recovery provides all meals, lodging and fly-fishing equipment. Each retreat is limited to fourteen participants. The Pennsylvania retreat is held each year at Allenberry Resort in Boiling Springs, PA. This year’s date is June 16-18 2025
4th Annual Picnic and Casting Competition, June 21st, 2025
This is our yearly fundraising event.
Details To Follow
Friday, March 14th: Tree Planting, Longacre’s 9am
Friday, March 21st: Stream Cleanup West Branch, PA Gamelands 10 am
Saturday, March 22nd: Live Staking Camelot Park, 9:30 am
Saturday, April 12th: Stream Cleanup Perkiomen Creek Fly Fishing Area Green Lane Park, 9 am
Saturday. April 25th Water Quality Testing, Perkiomen Creek 9:30 am
Tuesday, April 29th Tree Maintenance, Green Lane Park, 9 am
Friday, May 2nd: Tree Maintenance, Longacre’s, 9 am
Friday, May 9th: Tree Maintenance, Green Lane Park, 9 am
Friday, May 16th: TIC Release Day PVMS East, Central Perkiomen Valley Park
Thursday, May 22nd TIC Release Day Hereford Elementary
Friday, May 23rd TIC Release Day Evergreen Elementary/Dock Mennonite, Lenape Park
Friday, May 30th TIC Release Day BMS East, Camelot Park
Please Contact Jim Coffey at 267.733.7153 or email if you have any questions or want to signup.
Lancaster, PA Dates; March 15th and 16th, 2025
Local Shows